Lecture for students at University of Stavanger – Hardcore soft skills.

Hardcore soft skills at UiS

This week WNI founder, Roar Thun Wægger, visited the University of Stavanger Business School, Department of Law at Handelshøyskolen – to talk to their student on their soft skills project.

Thank you, LanaBubalo, and HelleAustvikTholo for running this project and inviting me.

Roar created and named the lecture/small workshop – Hardcore soft skills.

Negotiation, communication, problem-solving and interpersonal abilities typically fall into categories of soft skills.

For organizations, developing and rewarding soft skills is becoming even more crucial in our ever-automated world. In today’s booming job market, the most in-demand skills are soft skills, according to a recent global report about the future of work – The top 3 skills employers are looking for in 2022.

According to another survey from McKinsey, reskilling at scale is a concern and priority for 80 percent of C-suite executives worldwide.

WNI designs effective blended learning journeys that mix traditional learning, including training, digital courses with nontraditional methods, such as peer sparring to help your organization enhance and expand development initiatives for business longevity.

I want to thank the students at University of Stavanger Business School for inviting me to talk about this exciting topic, and hope to continue to work with you on your soft skills project.

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