Privacy Policy

We care about our users’ privacy and this privacy statement is about how we collect and use information about visitors to our websites. The statement contains information you are entitled to when information is collected from our website (Personal Data Act § 19), and general information about how we process personal data (personopplysningsloven § 18, 1st paragraph).

Contact information

Company name: Wægger Negotiation Institute

Address: Kristian Augusts gate 9, 0164 Oslo, Norway


What personal information we collect and why we collect it

– Contact forms

Via contact form (s) on this website, we collect data such as name, e-mail address, telephone number and what the request is about.

We ask for this information in order to be able to answer the inquiry in the best possible way.

By using the contact form on this website, you agree that we store your data and that we can send you digital communication. We take your privacy seriously and will never share your personal information with third parties. You can withdraw any consent whenever you wish.

– Web analysis & cookies

As an important part of the work of creating a user-friendly website, we look at the user pattern of those who visit the website. To analyze the information, we use the analysis tool Google Analytics.

Google Analytics uses cookies (small text files that the website stores on the user’s computer), which register the users’ IP address, and which provide information about the individual user’s movements online. Examples of what the statistics give us answers to are; how many people visit different pages, how long the visit lasts, which websites the users come from and which browsers are used. None of the cookies allows us to link information about your use of the website to you as an individual. Data related to cookies are automatically deleted 14 months after registration. 

The information collected by Google Analytics is stored on Google’s servers in the United States. Information received is subject to Google’s Privacy Policy.

An IP address is defined as personal information because it can be traced back to a specific hardware and thus to an individual. We anonymize the user’s IP address before the information is stored and processed by Google. Thus, the anonymized IP address can not be used to identify the individual user.

Din IP-adresse logges også for en kort periode av våre webservere. Brukerens IP-adresse, tidspunkt, nettadresse, HTTP status, antall bytes sendt, HTTP referer og HTTP user agent blir logget i 15 dager. Deretter slettes loggen automatisk.

Your IP address is also logged for a short period of time by our web servers. The user’s IP address, time, URL, HTTP status, number of bytes sent, HTTP referrer and HTTP user agent are logged for 15 days. Then the log is deleted automatically.

Functional cookies are used to:

  • Make sure your web pages look consistent

Performance cookies are used to:

  • Improve the performance of web pages by loading pages faster
  • improve the user experience

Targeted cookies are used to:

  • let you share and like content
  • Submit information to other sites to customize their advertising

Examples of use

Cookies are used to provide you with better services, for example by:

– activate a service that recognizes your device, so you do not have to enter the same information multiple times

– measure how many people use the services, so we can make them easier and faster

– analyze data to help us understand how you use online services so that we can improve them.

If you do not allow us to use cookies, certain functions and the websites will not work properly. If you want to delete cookies that are already stored on your computer, you must follow the instructions for the browser by clicking on Help in the menu.

You can read more about cookies and how to use them at or by clicking on Help in your browser.

Ads Network Cookies

This website places additional cookies from Google. These cookies are used to target ads to you based on what is considered to be most relevant based on the content of the pages you visit, and also those you have visited before. Please note that this targeting is happening on other sites in addition to this site.

– Search
Denne nettsiden lagrer informasjon om hvilke søkeord brukerne benytter på våre nettsteder via Google Analytics. Formålet med lagringen er å gjøre informasjonstilbudet vårt bedre. Bruksmønsteret for søk lagres i aggregert form. Det er bare søkeordet som lagres, og de kan ikke kobles til andre opplysninger om brukerne, slik som til IP-adresser.

– Facebook Pixel
Facebook is the largest and most active of our social channels. To improve the interaction between Facebook and our website, we can install Facebook’s “pixels” – a script that measures traffic across Facebook’s interface and our websites. We use the data collected by the pixel to deliver customized content to those who visit our websites, and for marketing on Facebook. For more information about privacy around Facebook, you can go to this

– Embedded content from other sites
Articles on this page may include embedded content (eg videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other sites behaves in exactly the same way as if the visitor had visited the site from which the embedded content comes.

These sites may collect information about you, use cookies or embed third-party tracking systems and monitor what you do through this embedded content. This also includes tracking your actions via the built-in content if you have an account and are logged in to the site.

– Share / tip service
The “Share with others” feature can be used to forward links to the site via email, or to share content on social networking sites, such as Facebook or Twitter. Information about tips is not logged with us, but is only used there and then to post the tip to the online community. However, we can not guarantee that the online community will not log this information. All such services should therefore be used wisely. If you use the e-mail function, we only use the e-mail addresses provided to forward the message without any kind of storage.

– Comments
Where it is possible for users to comment on articles, blogs or products, names and e-mail addresses will be charged. Names and e-mail addresses can be published with the comment, but are not stored with us.

Who we share your information with

We do not share any personal information with third parties.

Storage and deletion

In accordance with personopplysningslovens § 28 of the Personal Data Act, information that is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it is stored shall be deleted. We store personal information in accordance with current legislation.


I henhold til personopplysningslovens § 18 har man krav på innsyn i de opplysninger som er registrert. Innsyn kan fås ved å sende en skriftlig henvendelse til oss. Dersom de registrerte opplysninger ikke er riktige eller de er ufullstendige kan du kreve disse rettet i henhold til personopplysningslovens § 27.

In accordance with personopplysningslovens § 18, you are entitled to access the information that has been registered. Access can be obtained by sending a written inquiry to us. If the registered information is not correct or it is incomplete, you can demand that it be corrected in accordance with personopplysningslovens § 27.

Changes to this Privacy Statement

We may make changes to this privacy statement. The latest version of the statement is always available on our website.