Hardcore Soft Skills i Irland

Hardcore Soft Skills i Irland

I forrige uke holdt Wægger Negotiation Institute og Roar Wægger en online forhandlingstrening for jusstudenter fra Law Society of Ireland om temaet Hardcore Softskills. 

Det var en interaktiv økt der studentene testet hvor utfordrende det er å være en god lytter, samt gi råd til Will Smith om hvordan han kunne ha brukt øyeblikket sitt under Oscar-seremonien.

6 fundimental hardcore soft skills to develop

Etter treningen kommenterte en av studentene, Sean Quinn, følgende:

Roar’s workshop was incredibly insightful, and he conveyed his message effectively and held our attention through a mix of infographics, videos, and group activities. I found particularly interesting the emphasis put on creating an open and transparent relationship and how beneficial leading with openness can be. I’m looking forward to implementing Roar’s “hardcore soft skills” in my next negotiation and “leaning in” further to options proposed by my counterpart.”

Takk, John Lunney, for at du inviterte meg tilbake til din nye klasse.